I had the pleasure of visiting friends who keep honeybees in a Top Bar Hive. They were without bees this spring as the harsh winter had taken it's toll. However, over Memorial day weekend, they were blessed with free bees! Free bees you say? How do I get some of those? A lure and a ready home! He had placed a lure in his Top Bar Hive and a large swarm found this new home met all their requirements and moved right in. Our friends also planted a large amount of Buckwheat for their honey bees. While we were there, we had the enjoyment of watching the bees forage on the flowers.
Top Bar Hive. Love the viewing window! Our friend built this hive himself. |
A new top bar is added as the bees build a full comb on the previous one. He has added almost 17 bars that the bees have drawn full combs on since they've moved in! |
This is the entrance at the bottom of the hive. |
Field of Buckwheat |
Honey bee on Buckwheat flower. |
Honeybee on Buckwheat flower. Notice the color contrast of these two honey bees? This one to the one in picture above. |
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