You have to experience Spring in Michigan. On March 29, we had sleet, blowing snow and wind. On March 30, I saw my honeybees bringing in pollen. It was 50 degrees F. and sunny with 18mph winds. On April first, there were so many bees bringing in pollen that it created quite the traffic jam at the top entrance! Really, there were that many bees! No April fools here. These girls with On The Spot Queens (Mel Disselkoen-On The Spot Queen Rearing) have come through winter and into spring extremely strong and active. I had to move the top box back just a crack over the excluder to make another entry. I have three very large Silver Maples blooming in my yard. Today, I discovered 20 ft. from the hives what I think to be three pussy willows which are also in bloom. Both of these trees provide an early source of pollen and nectar for the bees.
Honeybees on March 31st bringing in pollen! You can't see the top entrance hole because it is covered with bees. Excuse the crazy leopard print duct tape. It was available when I needed to tape down some tar paper that had ripped during the winter. |
Bees returning to hive. Notice the top box pushed back to allow more bees entry with their full loads of pollen. They were literally getting stuck in the top entry hole with so many trying to get in and out. |
April 5, 2015. The hives free of their winter wrapping of tar paper! |
Bees from Hive B bringing in pollen at bottom entrance. They stayed lower this winter and are using both entrances. Notice the bee in the left side of the pic. She has a pollen stripe on her back and pollen dusting the tip of her abdomen.
Silver Maple Bloom |
Finally, on April 5 I was able to catch the girls in action. The temperature was in the mid fifties and the past few day's winds had died down considerably. I could stand under the tree and hear them buzzing. This girl flew low enough for a photo. Honeybee on Silver Maple bloom. |
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