Bloom? In February? Yes! California Almond bloom! I have a friend who is employed by Bee Informed Partnership (, who was able to be in California working with honey bees just before and at the beginning of the Almond bloom. Millions upon millions of bees are trucked into California every year to pollinate almonds. It is a massive undertaking. Thought I'd share these pictures that she shared with me. I am insanely jealous of her job! To be in California in February working with honey bees!
On the bright side it was sunny and 41 degrees F in MI today and the bees were a buzzing out on their cleansing flights. I was able to get out, check sugar brick supplies and shovel snow away from the fronts of the hives.
Honey bee on Almond Bloom, Feb 10. California. Photo cred. Anne Marie Fauvel |
Rows upon rows of Almond trees start of the bloom. Feb 12, 2018. California. Photo cred. Anne Marie Fauvel |
Almond tree bloom. California, Feb. 2018. Photo cred. Anne Marie Fauvel |
Pulling my sled with sugar bricks to an off the road yard. Bribed my daughter into helping me today. Feb, 14 2018. Dorr, MI |
Bees flying, dotted snow.....a wonderful thing to behold in February. The dog seems immune to the stings as he was lapping up any honeybee he came into contact with. If stung, he would run his nose through the snow and then get back at it, undeterred. February 14, 2018. 41 degrees, honey bees out on cleansing flights. | |
Inside the hive. Nice looking winter cluster up on their sugar brick in the milder weather. Feb. 14, 2018. Dorr, MI. |
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