This is November 18 in West Michigan, our first winter storm of the season. Luckily about two weeks ago, I winterized the hives. I placed a queen excluder over the top box. I did this so I can put sugar bricks on later in the winter if needed. Mel Disselkoen's book OTS Queen Rearing has a great recipe with instructions for making the sugar bricks. I have an empty shell on top of the excluder with an upper entrance. The lower entrance is still available, although if this snow keeps up I will be going out often to clear the snow from lower entrances. I also wrapped each hive with tar paper. Only thirteen days ago there were bees flying and even bringing in pollen. I have no idea where they were getting pollen from on November 5. For now, I have to be content with putting my ear up to the side of the boxes and listening for the faint hum of the cluster inside. |